Laboratorio IQB is born around 1940 under the direction of Dr. Marcelo Soula and was, in its beginnings, focused in the preparation and purification of drugs. Then, in 1978, the laboratory is socially restructured into Rodriguez y Vidal S.R.L., and the dream of two young entrepreneur partners who though the chemical and pharmaceutical industry had many needs to be met began taking shape. Their vocation and deep devotion, together with the airs of innovation that have always invaded the company, have translated in answers and solutions, thus providing a sustained and continuous growth from the very first days.

After three decades in the business, Today finds Laboratorio IQB made up by a group of experienced professionals and workers, who are focused on providing efficient solutions for all the needs arising every day in the pharmaceutical and hospital markets.br>
Future will bring new challenges that will be overcome thanks to the experience of Laboratorio IQB on providing effective responses to the needs that are to arise in this activity.


Some years ago, Laboratorio IQB took on a new challenge based on the values of scientific and business management focused on the client's satisfaction. this marked the beginning of a new phase in which the integral quality of the product, the response speed, service and advise will be the mainstays for development and growth.

Our Values

• Listening and meet all the client's needs.
• Seeking quality and continuous improvement.
• Complete honesty in the management.
• Care for the environment.


• Be one of the best laboratories in the pharmaceutical and hospital markets.
• Innovating and optimizing management day after day.
• Positioning as a source of solutions and deservers of high levels of trust and business safety before clients and providers.

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